Monday Afternoon (1-Jul-24) (1-Jul-24)
Board 1
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
753NT N3H+2460 35
923NT N3H+2460 35
1066NT NJS=990 71
1116NT N3H=990 71
1283NT N3H+1430 08
Board 2
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
754H SAD+1650 62
924H S6S-1 10008
1065DX W2H-2300 26
1114H S2C=620 44
1284H S6S+2680 80
Board 3
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
754H W4H-1100 62
924H W7S-1100 62
1064H W4D-1100 62
1113H WAC+1 17026
1284H W4H= 62008
Board 4
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
174D NKH=130 35
863NT NKH=600 80
9124D STH=130 35
1033C NKH+1130 35
1123D NAC+1130 35
Board 5
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
172S NKC-1 10044
863H E7C-150 62
9124C E3D-2100 80
1033S NAC-2 20008
1122H E7C+2 17026
Board 6
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
172D EAD+3 15008
862S SJD-1 5062
9122D E3C+1 11035
1033D E3C= 11035
1122S SJD=110 80
Board 7
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
282D S3D+1110 44
652NT N2H+1150 80
973H SQH-3 30008
1132S SQH-1 10026
12102S N8C+1140 62
Board 8
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
282S SAC+2170 71
652D SAC+1110 35
973D SAC-1 5008
1132S SAC=110 35
12102S SAC+2170 71
Board 9
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
282H S4S+1140 62
653H N4D+2200 80
973C S9H-3 15008
1132H S4S=110 44
12103H S2C-1 5026
Board 10
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1124S SJH-1 10008
253NT NAH+1630 62
393NT SJH+1630 62
763NT NAH+1630 62
1083NT NAH=600 26
Board 11
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1123S NAC=140 44
253S NKD=140 44
393S NKD=140 44
763S NKD-1 5008
1083S NKD+1170 80
Board 12
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1123H S3D-3 30044
253D EAH= 11080
394D EAH= 13062
763DX EAH= 47026
1084S NJH-5 50008
Board 13
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
191NT S8S=90 62
363D STC-1 10035
872S W2C-1100 80
1152NT N5C-1 10035
1223C NAS-2 20008
Board 14
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
194H S5D-1 5026
364H STS-1 5026
873NT N2S=400 62
1154H S5D-1 5026
1224H S6C=420 80
Board 15
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
193H E6C-2100 53
362H EAD= 11017
872H E3S= 11017
1153H E6C-2100 53
1223C NTD=110 80
Board 16
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
2103D NTH+3170 44
3123D NKC+2150 17
513NT S6H+4520 71
983D NTH+2150 17
1163NT S7H+4520 71
Board 17
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
2103NT N6H=400 44
3123NT N3H=400 44
513NT N5H=400 44
983H WAD-150 08
1163NTX N6H=550 80
Board 18
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
2105C S3D-1 10026
3123S WJC-150 62
513NT N8S-3 30008
983S WAD-150 62
1163S W3C-150 62
Board 19
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
312S SAD-1 5053
582H EQC+1 14026
621C WTS-1100 80
1094H E6H= 62008
1171S SKD-1 5053
Board 20
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
313NT WJS-1100 71
583NT W4D-1100 71
623NT WJS= 60026
1093NT WJS= 60026
1173NT WJS= 60026
Board 21
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
314S SKC-1 10053
586S SKC-3 30008
624S SQC-1 10053
1094S SKC-1 10053
1174S SKC-1 10053
Board 22
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1103NT E2S+2 66026
5123NT E2S+2 66026
693NT E7S+1 63071
733NT E2S+1 63071
1183NT E2S+2 66026
Board 23
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1103C E8S-5500 80
5122S WAH= 11026
694S WAH-2200 62
733S E4C-1100 44
1183S WAH= 14008
Board 24
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
1102S S3H=110 71
5123C WJH-150 26
691S SJC=80 44
733C W5S= 11008
1182S S3H=110 71
Board 25
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
216S NAH=980 44
536S S8S=980 44
7106S NAH=980 44
1196S NAH=980 44
1266S NAH=980 44
Board 26
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
215CX W9C-2500 44
535C WQS= 60008
7105CX WAH-1200 26
1194H NAC+1650 71
1264H NAC+1650 71
Board 27
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
214S ETH= 42062
534S ETH= 42062
7104S E7S+1 45017
1194S ETH+1 45017
1264S W7D= 42062
Board 28
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
321NT W8S= 9044
7122D WKS-2100 80
812S SAH-1 10017
951NT W8S-150 62
11102S N9D-1 10017
Board 29
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
323NT W7S+2 66008
7123NT W3D= 60080
813NT W3D+1 63044
953NT W3D+1 63044
11103NT W7S+1 63044
Board 30
Pair NS Pair EWContract Lead Result Score NSScore EWMatchpoints NSMatchpoints EW
322NT N7H=120 44
7122S SQH+1140 80
812NT NKC=120 44
953NT S5D-1 5008
11102NT N6H=120 44

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